Sunday, July 27, 2008


This is a slide show video called BRiNG ME HoME. We wrote the song and recorded it about year ago at our church, CFC. We hope to record it with the other songs we are writing very soon.


Ashley Allem said...

Jeffery Sounds like you guys are all growing up so fast. Keep up the good work in the sounds of music. I'd love to hear your band live sometime. Hope everything is well with you and the rest of the family.

Love always,

Your Cousin Ashley

Beth Hanna said...

Wow! That's great! Super great! keep up the good work!

Kris Livovich said...

Both posts are great! Keep it up, so we can buy a CD or two someday!

Anonymous said...

wasup wasup wasup

Jeffery, Jesse, and Austin Allem said...

As you can see this says that our name is contraband. but now it's not. hahaha but you probably knew that!